Your top job candidate meets all of the qualifications you’ve listed in the job posting, and then some. But will he or she be a good fit in your corporate culture?

That question is as important as any you might have asked to gauge skills, aptitude and experience. And it’s going to be one of the most difficult to answer. Recent research from Robert Half found nearly two-thirds (63%) of UAE business leaders admit that they've misjudged a candidate’s fit with their company’s work environment. 

The wrong person in the wrong job can also contribute to a decline in staff morale, collaboration and productivity. Whether the new hire is a toxic employee or simply a poor fit for the position and the team, the cost of a bad hire can be surprisingly high.

No part of the hiring process should be left to chance. You can take steps to ensure your preferred candidate and your organisation’s corporate culture are an ideal match. Here are our recommendations:

The job description

Begin by describing your corporate culture in the job description. Why? Self-selection is an effective means for thinning the applicant pool. The more complete your job description, the more likely you’ll spend precious time and resources assessing not only the more highly qualified candidates, but those who believe they would be happy — and successful — in your workplace environment.

Happy workers are more engaged, more loyal and more invested in the work they do. They perform at a higher level — and that's good for your bottom line.

Gen Z details. If you think sharing your organisation’s mission and values is little more than pro forma, think again. For the newest population segment to join the workforce, Generation Z, this kind of detail can be critical information. “Making a difference or having a positive impact on society,” said a majority of Gen Zers surveyed for a Robert Half white paper, was one of their top priorities when seeking a permanent position. If your organisation has a formal CSR policy, consider giving a brief summary and link to it; otherwise, a short declaration about ethical standards and corporate citizenship will still reassure, maybe even excite, many job applicants.

Benefits. Perks and benefits also say a great deal about an organisation’s corporate culture. Sure, most job seekers want to know about eligible time off and healthcare coverage as much as they do the position’s salary range. But think beyond the base package you’re offering. It’s fine to mention the ping-pong table in the conference room and the organisation’s casual dress code. But what you say about work-life balance and professional development tells job seekers more about how the organisation values its employees. Assure job seekers that corporate culture is not synonymous with meat grinder, and that your organisation appreciates — and rewards — employee dedication and hard work.

Clarity of intention. Now, state your wants. Consider the qualities you most value in your top-performing employees. Different roles require different attributes, of course. But if yours is a high-performing, deadline-driven office, best to say you’re looking for someone who’s comfortable in a fast-paced work environment. If your organisation handles highly sensitive information, emphasise discretion and confidentiality. Be honest about both the job’s requirements and the work environment. Candidates should know what’s required to be successful in the position, and how their performance would be evaluated. Again, give job seekers the opportunity to decide whether this is a corporate culture they would thrive in.

The job interview

You’ve evaluated cover letters and resumes, and put aside any with obvious red flags. You’ve checked out the LinkedIn profiles of the most highly qualified candidates, and you’ve identified who you’d like to call in for interviews. Now, consider the interview questions you’ll ask to determine whether the applicant’s knowledge and skill level are as impressive as his paperwork suggests, and how successful he would be in your corporate culture.

Always research salaries in your market for the position you’re staffing. You want to meet, if not beat, what competitors are offering.

Open-ended questions. HR professionals typically recommend asking open-ended and hypothetical questions during a job interview. The candidate’s answers can tell you how he handled challenging assignments in the past, and how he might resolve similar situations in your office. They can also give insight into the candidate’s work ethic and whether it’s in sync with your corporate culture. Would the candidate handle an office emergency as a proactive, problem-solving employee, or is this someone who waits for direction? Do the candidate’s answers suggest he’s someone who’d achieve goals in a collaborative manner, or is he the type who’d break some china to get things done? Consider the qualifications required to succeed in the job as well as in the work environment.

Closed-ended questions. Closed-ended questions, too, can reveal a lot about whether the job candidate would be a good fit in your corporate culture. Assess a candidate’s tact and diplomacy when you ask why she left her last job, or whether there’s anything her current employer could do to want her to stay. A simple, straightforward question like, “What kind of work environment do you prefer working in?” can tell you whether the candidate would feel comfortable or stressed in your open, lively and very busy office. Even more direct: “What are your values?” will tell you whether the applicant’s principles align with those of your corporate culture.

Nonverbal cues. When you interview the candidate, pay attention also to nonverbal cues. Did the candidate dress appropriately for the interview? Is he an active listener, or does he appear distracted or keep interrupting you? Does he avoid eye contact and shift uncomfortably when asked how his former coworkers would describe his work style? A word of caution here: You should assess the candidate’s demeanor as carefully as you do the answers to your questions. But reading body language is a difficult art, especially when meeting a complete stranger in a situation as stressful as a job interview. Do what you can to put the individual at ease, and take care not to dismiss nervousness as deal-breaking awkwardness.

References and team feedback

No matter how impressed you are, and no matter how pressed you are, always check a candidate’s professional references. This is your opportunity to gather testimony that will confirm your good impressions and settle any lingering doubts. It’s also your opportunity to determine whether the candidate would be successful in your work environment. But as with every other step in the hiring process, be prepared when checking references.

A creative work environment brings out the best in employees. See our tips for making it part of your corporate culture.

Digging deeper. Questions about the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses, collegiality, and job attendance are important, but go beyond the “what.” When asking about notable accomplishments, ask how the candidate exceeded objectives and expectations, and imagine how similar situations might play out in your organisation. If you’re speaking with a former employer, be mindful that you might not share the same values and qualities, much less the same corporate culture, that the candidate’s reference highlights. Be prepared to dig a little to get the answers you need.

Employee feedback. If you have the time, and the new position warrants it, seek feedback from the people who know your corporate culture best: Your own employees. Invite your top job candidate to lunch with staff members she’d work most closely with. Afterward, ask the candidate and your employees separately how they would imagine working with one another, and whether job and applicant seem like a good fit. Don’t be surprised if the job candidate comes back with questions of her own. An informal meeting with staff would give plenty of clues about your organisation’s corporate culture, from talk about workflow to management-staff relations. That can be a positive. There shouldn’t be any doubt with either of you that this is going to be an ideal match.

At Robert Half we specialise in placing highly skilled professionals within a wide range of companies across the UAE. Contact our experienced recruitment consultants today to help you find professionals that are best for your business.