Supplier Inclusion | Robert Half

Supplier Inclusion

Supplier inclusion at Robert Half is a corporatewide initiative designed to support the promotion, growth and development of small and/or diverse-, women-, veteran-, service-disabled veteran-, and LGBTQ+- owned businesses, and business owners with apparent and non-apparent disabilities. We also strongly encourage our community alliances and suppliers to work with diverse suppliers themselves.  We have established supplier inclusion purchasing targets to assist us in measuring our purchases from small and diverse businesses. Our goal is to secure the various products and services we need from respected suppliers at highly competitive prices while simultaneously meeting our supplier inclusion targets. Read our Supplier Code of Conduct Register in our supplier portal

What is a diverse business?

A diverse business is defined as a small business or a company that is at least 51% owned and operated by a member or members of the following groups: African American Native American Subcontinent Asian Pacific Asian Hispanic Veteran / Service-disabled Veteran LGBTQ+ Women