Facing Hiring Challenges for Certain Roles? This Data Helps Explain Why

Salaries and Roles Job Market Salary and hiring trends Workplace Research Article Research and insights
Some jobs are more challenging to staff than others. And the longer a vital position remains open, the more likely your business will experience a cascade of negative side effects. Stalled work, missed deadlines, unhappy clients, low team morale … the list goes on.
In this post, we offer a few recommendations for how to overcome hiring challenges. But first, let’s take a look at some current dynamics in the labor market that shed light on why you may be struggling to hire right now, especially for certain roles.
First, know that the national unemployment rate is quite low. In January 2024, it was 3.7%, unchanged from the previous two months, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The unemployment rate for college-degreed workers — the professionals most highly sought-after by employers — was 2.1% in January. That rate has held steady since October 2023. Meanwhile, other data from the BLS shows that many specialized positions have unemployment rates trending even lower. Here are just some examples of these roles in three different professions: Finance and accounting Payroll and timekeeping clerks: 1.0% Financial clerks: 1.2% Accountants and auditors: 1.3% Financial and investment analysts: 1.4% Compliance officers: 1.5% Legal Lawyers: 0.5% Legal secretaries and administrative assistants: 0.9% Technology Security analysts: 0.5% Database administrators: 1.2% Network administrators: 1.5% Systems analysts: 1.5%
Further exacerbating employers’ hiring challenges is the fact that fewer professionals are on the job hunt right now. A recent Robert Half survey found that only 36% of workers are planning to look for a new role in the first six months of 2024. In a similar survey that we conducted in mid-2023, that figure was significantly higher —  49%. Robert Half also learned through research for our latest Demand for Skilled Talent report that over half (57%) of hiring managers are recruiting for new positions right now, primarily to support business growth. And separate data from the BLS shows that job openings in the United States remain high. 
The data shows that your organization is far from alone in facing hiring challenges. That said, there are several things you can do to increase your ability to attract and retain in-demand talent, including for roles that can be particularly difficult to staff. Here are four tips that can help. 1. Step up your storytelling When you advertise job opportunities, be sure to include details about what makes your company special, including insight into your company’s culture, mission and values. Also, emphasize how candidates could potentially grow their careers at your firm (if that opportunity exists). Be sure to make the best use of all outlets that can help raise your brand image, from your company’s website to its social media accounts, to showcase why your business is a great place to work. 2. Provide competitive compensation Offering a compelling salary is table stakes for attracting top candidates, of course. Standout benefits and perks can make your firm a magnet for talent, too. Know this: In a Robert Half survey, 55% of the professionals who said they aren’t likely to pursue a new job in the first half of 2024 would consider making a move for a higher salary. And 36% said that better benefits and perks would lead them to consider a new position. 3. Make flexible work a fixture Forty-four percent of the workers we surveyed who said they don’t plan to launch a job search soon said they’re staying put because their current position offers a level of flexibility they aren’t willing to lose. So, if you aren’t offering flexible work arrangements, you could be turning off many job applicants — especially from Generation Z. Separate research Robert Half conducted about the multigenerational workforce found that Gen Zers are especially keen to have hybrid or remote work options. 4. Cast a wide net Expand your search for skilled talent to include professionals who may be outside of your local market but are willing to work remotely. Also, step up efforts to identify not just passive job seekers, but also professionals who are currently employed and not even thinking about a new job right now. As noted above, with the right mix of offerings, you could convince an in-demand professional to join your team. To make sure you aren’t leaving any stone unturned when you need to hire, consider working with a specialized recruiter. Learn why that can provide an advantage.
Staying in the know about what’s happening with talent recruitment in your local area, industry and beyond can help you meet hiring challenges head-on. Robert Half provides workplace research to help employers better understand the current dynamics in the labor market — and what their organization can do to attract and retain the best available talent. Here are two publications that can equip you with valuable insight: 2024 Salary Guide From Robert Half Demand for Skilled Talent report You can also take a deeper dive into hiring trends and in-demand roles in these profession-focused posts: Administrative and customer support Human resources Finance and accounting Legal Marketing and creative Technology
A specialized talent solutions firm like Robert Half can help your business get past tough hiring challenges. We have built long-standing relationships with industry professionals, including active job seekers and passive job seekers who might consider changing roles to work for you. Our recruiters make it their business to know what’s happening in the hiring landscape and to help employers navigate that environment successfully. Their insight, assistance and dedicated focus to your hiring needs can give your company a critical edge in today’s highly competitive labor market. Learn more about our services here